Already June, the mid-point of an eventful year in world history. We could be forgiven for getting distracted from our own dreams and contributions. But I want to call you back bring your vision in, right into yourself because truly all great change starts within.
When we set goals and make plans we don’t always know what life will throw at us because as Susan Jeffers says, “Life is what happens when you’ve made other plans.”
So, taking time to regularly reflect, re-assess, and renew those goals is hugely important. And what better time to spend some time out of the headlong rush than at the halfway point.
Transitions can be challenging, whether from college to work, taking a promotion, retirement, having a baby, menopause, moving house…Life changes constantly and sometimes we get stuck in a mindset of threat or dread when often, transitions offer us exciting opportunities for change and growth.
Reflect on the First Half of the Year
We can engage the more creative thinking side of our brain by taking three steady, deep breaths and taking a few moments to focus on our sense of grounding by feeling our feet on the floor, the contact points of our body with the chair and putting any thoughts gently aside.
Let’s explore the first half of the year without any value judgement – just see what is.
Reassess Your Goals and Priorities
Depending on the circumstances and challenges presenting themselves in the first half of the year we may now need to adjust your original goals – Remember if we don’t bend, we break.
Imagine that you are talking to a loved one or best friend about their goals – how would you speak to them? Make sure your self-talk during this phase of navigation is equally positive and supportive.
Let’s reassess and adjust your goals:
Renewal and Rejuvenation
As you move through any transition period are you looking after yourself properly? Do you celebrate every win, however small?
If you’re struggling to fit in longer periods of meditation, mindfulness or exercise, try this, it’s just as good to drip feed nurturing activities throughout the day.
A Final Word.
Transitions are a journey towards a new reality that we are creating for ourselves, and like all journeys they can be a mixture of excitement, trepidation, delay and frustration. They can also be wonderfully satisfying and full of great memories. You don’t have to travel alone, it’s okay to draw on support to get there and working with me as a coach is a proven way to succeed.
As we enter the second half of 2024 embrace the new plan you’ve made. The past is gone, the future is unknown, but you can pave your way with what you choose to do now.
What will you do today?
My small group and 1-2-1 coaching programmes are specifically designed with women in transition in mind.
I am offering an amazing 30% off all programmes booked over the summer to get the second half of the year off to a great start.
Contact me today! Long days and a more relaxed pace make a great time to invest in your personal growth and make the change to where you want to be.